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The Nanoscience Centre

Cambridge University nanofabrication and characterisation facility

The location and GPS coordinates are as follows:

Nanoscience Building GPS Coordinates
11 J J Thomson Avenue 52° 12' 35" N
West Cambridge 00° 05' 41" E
CB3 0FF Elevation 22m above sea level

The Cambridge Nanoscience Centre is situated at the West Cambridge site of the University of Cambridge. The Nanoscience Building is just located on the northern perimeter of the Cavendish Laboratory.

Travelling by car/rail/bus/cab/foot

Details of up-to-date train and bus timetables can be seen on the SmartCambridge site.

Once in JJ Thomson Avenue, take the first left turn. As you walk down this road (which is actually a continuation of JJ Thomson Ave) you will pass the Whittle Laboratory on your left. Carry on down the path and you will pass the Roger Needham/Microsoft building on your left. Keep walking and pass the Electrical Engineering Division building and follow the path round until you see a low squat building on your right (this is the Nanoscience Centre) which has a small car park situated opposite it.

The entrance to the Nanoscience Building is via the glass doors opposite the car park.

Direct to your mobile device

Scan the above QR code straight into your GPS enabled device.

If you are viewing on a mobile device you can just click here: Nanoscience Centre directions